Jr. Mariano Melgar 496 – Referencia Parque La Colmena – Cajamarca

(051) 076 268321 +51 976220704

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Tips for the Tourist

Climates by calendar and recommended clothing:
There are two well-marked seasons in the Cajamarca climate: the rainy season and the dry season.

During the first days, visitors are recommended to eat light meals that are easily digested to achieve rapid adaptation to altitude. It is recommended to drink hot drinks to keep hydration regulated.

If you have medical prescription, it is recommended to carry your medication at all times, however, we inform you that Cajamarca has the main pharmacy such as Inkafarma, MiFarma and others, some with delivery service included.

We have a modern Regional Hospital, but for more ambulatory care the main local clinics are:

Telephone lines:
Cajamarca has the following telephone lines:

Cajamarca has the following areas (schedules and airlines are subject to change without notice on this page)
There are 3 average times for flights around: 6:00 am, 11:00 am and 4:00 pm

Cajamarca has the main banks in the country:
The opening hours start around 9:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. Schedules and availability are subject to change without prior notice of this page.

Shopping Centers:
Cajamarca has 3 shopping centers:

Traditional food:
Cajamarca has a varied cuisine among which stand out:

Room reservation
Make your room reservation and ensure your stay with us!!

Our Rooms

Ir Arriba
Jr. Mariano Melgar 496 – Referencia Parque La Colmena – Cajamarca - Perú
(051) 076 268321

+51 976220704

If you need any additional information write us:

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